Here I might add an entry whenever I make an update to my web site.
6/8/05-Just put up two new sections to my site. The kh profile section also the kh couples section go check them out
if your interested in reading them.
6/9/05 I just added more pages to the site. The images section, which is very small is up. The update schedule section
is where you can see where I am at in my story, Media section is up. but there isn't anything there at the moment.
6/18/05 I updated the update schedule section and added another fanfiction to the fanfiction page. The contact me section
has been a little revised, since some of the email adresses did not work.
6/19/05 Happy Father's day to all! I changed the site up a little bit and added a Riku and Sora profile sections. Also
the evidence section, which shows evidence between the whole RikuxSora pairing. That's not all I finally have myself
a guest book so go and sign it, lol.